Citrus-Curry Tofu with Caramelized Onions

Citrus-Curry Tofu with Caramelized Onions


  1. 1 block of tofu - super firm, approx 500 grams/1 lb

  2. 1 large and 1 small orange - small orange must be organic and have thin skin.

  3. 2 tbsp sesame oil

  4. 1 tsp curry

  5. 1/2 tsp turmeric

  6. 1/4 tsp salt

  7. 3 tbsp soy sauce

  8. 1 large red onion

Cooking Instructions:

  • Cut tofu into slices of approx. 1/2 inch thickness. 10 slices for a 1 lb block of tofu.

  • Lay the slices out on a folded kitchen towel - flat on a board; cover with another towel and place a heavy item on top. I use my Le Creuset pot. This crucial step presses all the liquid out of the tofu and thus will make it absorb the marinade. 60 minutes minimum.

  • Marinade: mix 1 tbsp of sesame oil, salt, soy sauce, curry, turmeric and zest as well as juice of the large orange. Once tofu has been pressed long enough, place in dish and cover with marinade. Rotate the slices periodically so they all get an equal amount of the marinade. Minimum 60 minutes. Overnight is fine too.

  • Cut red onion into thin rings. Caramelize in a small amount of oil.

  • Once the tofu is ready, use 1 tbsp or less of sesame oil and lightly fry/crisp the tofu on medium heat. This is a slow process! The tofu will only crisp up nicely if it is cooked slowly on medium heat. The goal is NOT to deep-fry the tofu, but rather use as little oil as possible and have it brown over time.

  • Cover the tofu with the caramelized onions.

  • Slice the small, organic orange into very very thin slices that can be enjoyed including the rind on top of the tofu. The small amount of bitterness from the rind, combined with the tanginess from the orange flesh, the spiciness of the curry and the sweetness of the caramelized onions makes for a burst of flavors!

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